25% Off 2025 Workshops with Chad Mulligan | Confident Negotiator Podcast #13

By RED BEAR October 1, 2024 | 8 min read

In this episode of The Confident Negotiator Podcast, RED BEAR Founder and CEO Chad Mulligan shares exciting news about our upcoming 2025 promotion, where we're offering 25% off all negotiation training workshops. Chad reflects on an incredible year of growth for RED BEAR, from record-breaking revenue to expanding our client base and earning industry accolades. He explains how this limited-time offer is a way to show our appreciation to both our valued clients and those interested in experiencing RED BEAR’s world-class negotiation training for the first time.

This is a rare opportunity to equip your team with the skills to succeed in 2025 at a significant discount. Tune in to hear the full details of the promo, running through December 13th, 2024, and learn how your organization can benefit from this offer.

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Transcription of the Video:

Rob Cox: Hello everyone and welcome to The Confident Negotiator podcast, the number one podcast about how to become a world-class negotiator. I'm Rob Cox, and with me today is THE Confident Negotiator himself, RED BEAR Founder and CEO Chad Mulligan. Chad, thank you so much for joining today.

Chad Mulligan: Hello, Rob. Thanks for having me. Always a pleasure to join.

Rob Cox: It's always fun to have you on, Chad. Chad, you've got a special announcement to make for our listeners today. I'm excited to hear it. Let's get right to it. Without any further ado, what is the special announcement you'd like to make for our podcast listeners?

Chad Mulligan: As you mentioned, Rob, we're super excited to announce what we're calling 25 in 25, and to break it down real simple. We are offering all clients past, current, and even prospects that haven't had the opportunity to team up with us a 25% discount across all solutions anywhere in the world in 2025.

Rob Cox: I'm sorry, Chad, I want to make sure I heard that right. You're saying it's 25% off workshops in 2025 for not just RED BEAR customers, but for people who haven't taken our negotiation training workshops as well?

Chad Mulligan: You heard it right. Some people may say that's a horrible negotiation, but it's not a negotiation. Right? It's a promo. And so yeah, we're really excited about it.

Rob Cox: That's fantastic. Chad, what led you to this promo?

Chad Mulligan: Take a look at that quote and it's so profound. "Giving does not only precede receiving, it's the reason for it, for in giving it is that we receive," right? And I think, I'm sure you'll agree 100% that as we look back to last year, we celebrated our 10-year anniversary and in Q4 we launched a promo. And as a result of that, I mean, records throughout. Record revenue, and when I say record revenue, Rob, we blew the previous record out of the water and we still have almost a quarter to go. Record number of new clients that we engaged with globally and the number of new people that were impacted through our work.

Record number of documented business results that we drove with our clients, that was verified by a third-party independent measurement company. Record number of existing clients that continued their journey with RED BEAR through the level two and level three workshops and certainly record number of industry awards that we won. And so you asked why. I just think, hey, if we can impact more people through our work and still realize record revenue profitability, why would we not do that? I just believe it's the right thing to do.

Rob Cox: That's fantastic, Chad. First, congratulations on a fantastic record year, through three quarters and still with another quarter to go. It's fantastic.

Chad Mulligan: It's pretty awesome.

Rob Cox: At a time when most organizations are raising their prices, you're lowering them for RED BEAR.

Chad Mulligan: That's exactly right.

Rob Cox: Fantastic. For those interested in this promotion, what are the details that they need to know?

Chad Mulligan: So I believe it'll be launched in the next couple days or maybe two day, depending on when you're going to release this podcast. But the promotion goes through December 13th, which I believe is a Friday, so you must contract between now and December 13th. We like to enjoy the time off at the end of the year. Typically, our offices aren't fully staffed, so we want to make sure we minimize any requirement there. There's no maximum to the number of workshops or number of people that you want to be exposed to this at the promo rate. There is a minimum of 20 participants per session, and they're non-cancellable engagements. So launches today or shortly, depending on when this podcast gets released, goes until December 13th, but you have until the end of 2025 to actually deliver the workshops. So these are for 2025 delivery and a minimum of 20 people again. So if you're a smaller organization that is trying to determine I don't have 20 people on my team within my function, I'd encourage you to take a look at engaging with us cross-functional, right?

There's not any function that we can't impact through our work. And so again, if you're a smaller organization, please take a look at who others within your organization could benefit and we'd love to team up with you. Anything I missed there, Rob? I'm not sure.

Rob Cox: That sounded pretty comprehensive to me, Chad. Again, they need to contract by Friday, December 13th of this year. 20-person workshop minimum, non-cancelable, and then the negotiation workshop completed through the end of the year, Wednesday, December 31st, 2025.

Chad Mulligan: Exactly.

Rob Cox: Fantastic. Chad, again, congratulations on the fantastic year in 2024. Again, we still have another quarter to go. I'm very excited about it.

Chad Mulligan: That's right. All gas, no breaks.

Rob Cox: That's right. All gas, no breaks. Got awards of course that are coming up that we can't even talk about yet. I think it's been a fantastic year. You've been very generous with your time. Is there anything else that you'd like to say before we wrap up?

Chad Mulligan: I just want to say thank you. Thank you to our clients. We obviously would not be in this position without them. Thank you to our entire global team here at RED BEAR. Those on the front stage, those in the back stage. So incredibly blessed to be surrounded by such fantastic human beings on a global basis and their willingness to do the right thing every single time and go above and beyond and just incredibly grateful to... And extremely proud, Rob, as we all are in terms of the impact that we are having in our working together. So just thank you.

Rob Cox: Absolutely. Fantastic. Chad, again, congratulations on a great year. This is the kind of podcast I like to record. This is a fun message to send out. Thank you again for your time, Chad. If you'd like to learn more about this offer, visit redbearnegotiation.com/2025. Again, that's redbearnegotiation.com/2025. This has been The Confident Negotiator podcast. Thank you for listening. We'll see you next time.

Chad Mulligan: Thank you.

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