Pharmaceuticals & Diagnostics Client Story
“…and increased both the consistency and effectiveness of our external and internal negotiations. We see higher quality in our technology partnership agreements. By means of better internal alignment during the negotiation process, we have also become better at using the approach to avoid sub-optimal deals, which has helped us avoid enormous costs, pain, and wasted effort.” – Senior VP of Business Development
Industry: Pharmaceuticals & Diagnostics
- Sales Negotiation Training
- Delivered Globally
The situation: This client depends on a steady flow of profitable technology partnership and sales distribution agreements to maintain its market leadership, and achieve its revenue and profit goals. The ability of its business development professionals to source and negotiate agreements efficiently inside the company and with third parties is critical to the successful deployment of its innovative solutions on a global scale.
The challenge: This client operates in a competitive “in vitro” diagnostics marketplace characterized by rapid technological change, aggressive competition, and shifting regulatory requirements. In this challenging environment it must bring to market—quickly and profitably—a continual flow of leading-edge diagnostic technology, equipment, and reagent chemical products. Negotiating complex, multi-party agreements with technology owners, internal stakeholders, and country-based distribution partners is critical to meeting this challenge.

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